Here are a few
pictures of my baby girl before her surgery. She was such a good girl! I hate the part when they take her to the operating room. Last time she screamed when the
anaesthesiologist took her, but today she was so brave. She didn't even cry, at least until she was out of my sight! The doctor came out and talked to us right after it was over and the first thing he said was, "Well, that procedure DEFINITELY needed to be done." He said her adenoids were huge and is not surprised that she has had infections for the last year straight. He thinks that this will do wonders. Oh, I hope so! He also had to replace one of the tubes. The left side was completely clogged and needed to put a bigger one in. He was able to clear out the right side and get that tube working again so that one stayed in place. She had a very difficult time recovering, which is normal, but it was so sad. It took her a lot longer this time than last to snap out of it. Luckily Christian was in town this time so I had his help, which was so nice! Oh, I'm just so glad it's over. Let's just pray this does the trick!