Kyle and
Brookie are starting to bug each other a lot more lately.
Brookie could smash her head on the table and not even flinch, but if Kyle accidentally bumps her in passing it's like her whole world ends. Kyle can be so sweet to her one second, and then the next he'll do anything he can to bother her. When he is trying to be sweet he calls her "baby." He'll say in a really soft voice, "It's okay, baby!" or "What do you need baby girl?" One thing they both love doing is having Kyle carry
Brookie. They think it is Hilarious!! We have to spot because it often ends in catastrophe, but they laugh and laugh. I couldn't get a great picture of it, but below are pictures of him picking her up and trying to carry her.

At the gym there are two separate play rooms but they are usually in the same one together. For some reason last week they put Brooklyn in the other playroom without Kyle. She seemed fine when I dropped her off, but when I picked her back up her little eyes were red and swollen with tears streaming down her
cheeks. They said she had a really hard time that day and when I picked her up the first thing she said was, "Kyle, Kyle!" I said, "You want Kyle?" and she gave me a firm nod and pointed to the door. Once we got Kyle she was laughing and giggling again!
It's fun to see what Addie and Kaden will soon be doing with each other.- Addie picking up Kaden like Kyle and Brook. They are so cute. I can only picture Kyle and Brook playing together so nicely becuase you Nyes don't have a mean bone in ya!
When ya coming to the sunshine to visit us? We're waiting!
Kids are funny, sometimes Tristan and Jacob get along so well and at other times they are each other's worst enemies...I think that all siblings are that way at some point or another. I would always pick on my brother like that, then one day when I was 15 and he was 12 the tables turned and he was finally stronger than me. That was the day that I physically stopped tesing him! Needless to say, as an adult I still verbally tease him all the time!
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