Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Salt Lake Marathon 26.2!!!

I think I forgot to mention on the blog that we were training for the Salt Lake Marathon. Well, we ran every inch of that 26.2 miles on Saturday, if you can believe that! Here we are at 5 am eating our breakfast before the marathon. My aunt Heidi (my mom's little sister) and her friends came all the way from South Dakota to run.
Here we are at mile 18. My parents brought us banana's, ibuprofen, and bagels to re-fuel. They were such life-savers!! The marathon sent out e-mails saying that they would provide energy gels at a few of the aide stations so we did not bring anything with us. They NEVER provided the gels so we went the first 18 miserable miles on a bagel. We felt so much better after the fuel and encouragement from our family! Kyle, Brooklyn, my sister Rachael, her new baby Ashlyn, my grandparents, and parents were all their cheering us on! It helped so much. Thanks guys! Love you!
I think this was at about mile 22 - it was all a blur at that point!
Here we were rounding the corner at the Gateway mall to the finish line. What a miracle it was to see that! At this corner we had my same family at that point, too, and then were totally surprised to see JoDeane and Kelsey there cheering us on, too. It made all the difference in the world to have our family there supporting us! We can't thank you enough!
I don't know what was going on with my face in this picture, but what I do know is that I was just so happy to not be running anymore!!!
It took us just over 5 hours to finish, which is a horrible time, but we were just happy we were able to finish given all the problems we faced during our training. We were totally under prepared, and almost didn't even run in the race. We picked a horrible time of year to run a marathon (tax season and running don't mix very well). We hardly saw Christian for the 2 and a half months before our race. It didn't help, either, to have 2 ear surgeries, lots of ear infections, sick children, and test after test for Brookie. All in all we feel pretty good about what we did!
*To see some professional pictures taken during our run you can go to marathonfoto.com. Select Salt Lake Marathon 2009, type in our last name (nye), and our bib numbers were 480 and 481.


Amy said...

Julie!! Way to go! Here I sit with my HALF marathon registration form in hand, contemplaiting wether or not to mail it in and then I read YOUR blog, and my dear you have just been my insperation, so THANK YOU! Oh and you MUST buy those pictures of you and your hubby kissing during the race, totally priceless.

Tricia L said...

WOW!! Good job! That's so impressive! Who cares what your time is, YOU DID IT!! I'm seriously so impressed with anyone who can do a marathon.

The Amundsen's said...

ooh my goodness! what an accomplishment! good job!! I can't wait for this weekend. have fun at work!

NatBug said...

I am so proud of you guys! How awesome is that! Even though you guys didn't get to train much, I still think that you did a great job, I would have died after mile 4. I just love the third picture from the bottom, you guys look so excited, it is too cute! It looks like you got some sun that day! I am so envious that you are in such great shape to do that. I can't wait to see you and your family this weekend. Love ya!

Kyle and Amy said...

Nice job you guys! Im so impressed! We were waiting all day to call you and see how it went!

Tiffany said...

That is amazing! I don't think I could even run around the block without collapsing, ha ha. That is quite the accomplishment - great job to both of you!!!

Pew Family said...

Way to go Julie! I'm so impressed! With all the struggles you've had to go through recently and you still had enough energy to train and finish a marathon. Awesome! We definetly need to start training together. I'm training for a half in September, maybe we could do a race together during the summer! Let me know!

Angie said...

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I got tears to my eyes looking at the marathon pics. I just think you guys are unbelievable! I sure miss ya Julie!