Here we are in the heart of downtown Seattle having lunch. It was the perfect day outside!

Another picture of lunch outside.

Kyle has a book from his Aunt Emily called "Larry Gets Lost in Seattle." Kyle absolutely loves this book and it shows this little puppy going to all of the big sites in Seattle. Kyle couldn't wait to go and see in person all of the places that Larry visited. One thing that he was most excited about was the "Train in the Sky" as he called it. Here we are getting ready to board the monorail.

Brookie and Grandma waiting for the train.

The moment Kyle had been waiting for...actually being on the train in the sky!

The Space Needle!!

Brookie being silly! She is on an "upside down" kick lately that started on our trip. She will only get dressed upside down. It has been quite difficult to try and dress her by myself since Christian has been back to work.

Brookie loving Grandma Kim!

I LOVED my gorgeous $5.00 flowers from Pike Place!

Brookie very much enjoyed the flying fish at Pike Place. She kept saying, "More, More!"

Enjoying a yummy snack at the end of an action-packed day!
I miss Seattle SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad and would move up there in a heart beat if we had the opportunity!